Division's Function
What is DNA Paternity?
- Paternity testing simply means establishing fatherhood. DNA Paternity is normally done to confirm or exclude the biological father of a child.
- DNA paternity test is accurate, rapid and affordable with a power of discrimination (or accuracy) as high as 99.9999%.
- DNA Paternity Test can be performed on individuals of any age.
- DNA testing has become the most accepted method to determine identity within the legal scientific communities.
What is required for DNA Paternity Testing?
- A minimum of 2ml of blood samples or alternatively buccal swabs (two from each individual).
- The blood samples should be collected in EDTA tubes. The samples should be clearly labeled with the identification name/number and the date of collection.
- All samples submitted for analysis must be accompanied by a request letter for the paternity test together with the payment for analysis,
- The samples should be sent via one of the courier agencies or hand carried
What is The Cost Involved?
- The cost for each paternity test is RM1500 for two samples and RM200 for each additional sample submitted for analysis.
- Full payment must be made at the time of submission of the samples by cheque/bank draft to “Ketua Pengarah Kimia Malaysia”.
Other Related DNA Tests:
DNA Testing can conclusively answer questions relating to maternity.
Determines whether a person is the true grandparent of a child.
Determines whether two or more individuals are siblings.
Confirms the identity of an individual.
- Procedure For Sending Samples For DNA Testing At Department Of Chemistry Malaysia For Individual / Private Cases.
- Procedure For Sending Samples For DNA Testing At Department Of Chemistry Malaysia For National Registration Depaartment.
- Procedure For Sending Samples For DNA Testing At Department Of Chemistry Malaysia For The Application Of Citizenship In Malaysia
Borang Permohonan Ujian DNA (Paterniti) dan Borang Pemungutan Spesimen Darah