Division's Function
The Industry and Custom Tariff Analysis Centre serves to provide analytical services and consultations to various government agencies in order to support law enforcement, protect government revenue, safeguard consumer interest and ensure safety of workers.
There were 3 divisions under this part namely :
- Tariff Classification Division
- Industry Division
- Chemical Safety Division
Services Offered
The Industry And Custom Tariff Analysis Centre provides analytical services on various types of products, such as:
- Primary industries products – Analyses of palm oil products, petroleum products, food, alcoholic beverages, mineral and pharmaceutical products.
- Chemical products and workers’ safety – Analyses of industrial chemical products, industrial hygiene samples, occupational safety and health (OSH), execution of OSH programmes and ship and barge inspection.
- Industrial products – Analyses of textile, leather products, bristle products (brushes) and food and beverages for halal certification.
- Species Identification – Analyses of food samples, consumer products and cosmetics for the detection of animal DNA to fulfil the requirements of halal certification and to ensure the quality and safety of the products through molecular and chemical methods.
Protecting Government Revenue
- Tariff Classifications
- Providing analyses for the purpose of product classifications under the Customs Duties Order 2017 to ensure the collection of revenue for the nation.
- Responsible as an expert agency in the Customs Appeal Tribunal for cases involving tax dispute.
- Carrying out analysis on cases involving products/goods being smuggled in/out of the country.
- As a One-Stop-Centre for the analysis of sugar in beverages for the purpose of monitoring sugar content in ready-to-drink beverages in the market and tax collection.
- Verification of content of alcoholic beverages and palm oil and palm oil products.
- Government Procurement
- Analysis of samples related to tender and supply sent by various government agencies to ensure complince with specifications stipulated in the contract.
Safeguarding Consumer Interest
- Enforcement of Various Acts
- Determination of composition and quality of products for the purpose of compliance to the specifications enforced under various acts including the Customs Act 1967, Malaysian Palm Oil Board Act 1998, Trade Descriptions Act 2011, Control of Supplies Act 1961 and Environmental Quality Act 1974.
- Confirmation of Halal Status
- Analysis for the identification of non-halal animal-related resources for products made from leather and fur (such as pig) for the purpose of halal certification and compliance to the Trade Descriptions Regulations (Goods Made From Any Part of Pig or Dog) 2013.
- Analysis for the identification of non-halal resources such as alcohol and ingredients from non-halal animal-related resources (such as pig) in food and beverages samples, consumer products and cosmetics for the purpose of compliance to various consumer-related acts such as the Food Act 1983, Food Regulations 1985, Trade Descriptions Act 2011, Akta Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1997 dan Akta atau Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah Negeri-Negeri (Penyalahgunaan Tanda Halal).
3. Species Identification
- Analysis for species identification of animal/bacteria in food and beverages, consumer products and cosmetics for the purpose of compliance to various acts such as the Biosecurity Act 2007, Wildlife Preservations Act 2010 and Customs Order (Prohibition of Import/Export) 2017 under the Customs Act 1967.
4. Confirmation of dangerous chemical content in toys.
- Provision of technical services for the purpose of compliance to the Consumer Protection Regulations (Safety Standards for Toys (Amendment) 2016) under the Consumer Protection Act 1999.
Ensuring Workers’ Safety
- Analysis of Industrial Hygiene Samples
- Analysis of samples taken from work place environment for the purpose of compliance to various regulations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
- Ship Inspection
- Conducting ship and barge inspection for the purpose of ‘gas-free’ and ‘hot-work’ certifications to ensure ship/barge is free from any flammable gases.
- Classification of Petroleum
- Determination of type and class of petroleum under the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act, 1984 for the purpose of safe handling of petroleum products while unloading at the ports and petroleum terminals.
- Chemical Weapon Convention
- National Inspectors for the enforcement of the Chemical Weapon Convention Act 2005 and related regulations.
- Reference Agency/Technical Service under the National Security Council Order