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Department of Chemistry Malaysia

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Veterinary Drugs are used in stock farming as growth promoter and disease prevention. Residues of these drugs can pass into our food chain. Concerns are centred on the direct toxicity of these residues to consumers as well as the indirect effects on immune responses from long term exposure.

Food Quality Division is well equipped with high end equipment and a pool of experienced personnel to enable the detection of trace levels of drug residues in accordance to the national and international requirements (such as EU regulations).

Our analysis using LCMSMS provide results with high degree of selectivity and specifity and detection limits way below the MRPL imposed by EU Regulations.


Beta-agonist is used as a growth promoter. Farmers use it in animal farming mostly for pigs, some for cows and goats.

It can cause adverse affect in people consuming products with high levels of residue by triggering increased heart rate (tachycardia), heart palpitations (cardiac fibrillation), muscle tremors and increased blood pressure.

Analysis provided by Food Quality Division covers the common drugs (salbutamol, ractopamine, clenbuterol and terbutaline) under the Beta-Agonist group.


Nitrofuran are a group of antibiotic drugs, which were used widely for the treament and prevention of diseases in animals, especially poultry. It is dangerous because the toxicity of the drugs and their metabolites might cause cancer to human.

Analysis provided by Food Quality Division covers the nitrofuran parent compound (furazolidone, furaltadone,nitrofurantoin and nitrofurazone) and it’s metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, AHD and SEM).



Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum drugs widely used in aquaculture farm, especially shrimps. This veterinary drug is harmful to human health. Due to the adverse effect of chloramphenicol, Food Quality Division ensure our analysis meet the requirement of MRPL imposed by the EU regulations.


Malachite Green

This compound was originally used as a dyeing agent of textiles. It also acts as a fungicide and antiseptic in aquaculture especially in fish. It is carcinogenic and for that reason many countries have banned the usage. Analysis by Food Quality Division covers both malachite green and it’s metabolite (leucomalachite green).

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