FAQ : PT ( About MyKIMIA PT Provider, MyKIMIA PTP Programme and PTOS )
MyKIMIA PTP stands for Department of Chemistry Malaysia Proficiency Testing Provider where it is coordinated by Proficiency Testing Section under the Chemical Metrology Division (CMD) of Quality Management and Research Center (QMRC), Department of Chemistry, Malaysia.
Yes, MyKIMIA PTP is accredited under the MS ISO/IEC 17043 Malaysia Proficiency Testing Provider (MyPTP) by Department of Standards Malaysia since 10th October 2017.
MyKIMIA PTP offers more than 65 PT schemes in the field of Water, Environment, Food, Industry, Food Microbiology, Food DNA, GMO, Halal Testing, Narcotic, Toxicology, Criminalistics, Forensic DNA and Document Examination.
Yes, MyKIMIA PTP offers selected PT schemes to international laboratories.
Register your laboratory in MyKIMIA PTP online system (PTOS) at this link http://ptos.kimia.gov.my/
Yes, the PTOS User Instruction Manual is available to be downloaded at this link http://ptos.kimia.gov.my/pt-detail/16 and click on “User Guide”.
Definitely, all information given by a laboratory on registration and PT schemes subscription are treated as classified. Participants from participating laboratories will be assigned a unique laboratory code number to ensure confidentiality.
Once your registration is approved, you may log in and subscribe to any PT schemes that are available in PTOS.
You can click on the PT scheme name and the information such as PT scheme title, matrix, range of concentration, packaging, tentative month and price. Please take note that the price in in Ringgit Malaysia (RM).
Yes. The information on which activities being subcontracted are made available in the details of each PT scheme in PTOS which can be aware of prior PT scheme subscription.
There are a few types of payment accepted and the procedure for each can be found in PT PAYMENT GUIDELINE which is included in PTOS User Instruction Manual.
The payment should be made before the tentative month of the PT scheme subscribed. If you subscribe more than one PT scheme, the payment should be made before the tentative month of the earliest PT scheme subscribed.
Failure to complete the payment in timely manner will result in cancellation of the PT scheme subscription. However, you can email to us if you have the difficulty in the payment process in order to avoid the cancellation.
No. Refund or carry forward are not allowed once the payment has been made and verified by MyKIMIA PTP.
The PT item (referring to PT sample) will be dispatch on any day in the tentative month declared in PTOS and participants will be notified by email or by PTOS news prior to dispatch.
If there is unpredicted circumstances and PT scheme had to be rescheduled and participants will also be notified by email or by PTOS news.
Peserta harus memberitahu PTK MyKIMIA dalam masa 7 hari bekerja setelah menerima item PT dengan memberikan penerimaan yang tidak memuaskan dan menjelaskan keadaan item PT berserta lampiran foto (jika ada). MyKIMIA PTP akan mengkaji keadaan dan memutuskan sama ada akan memberikan pengganti atau meneruskan analisis. Sekiranya PTK MyKIMIA memutuskan item PT tidak sesuai untuk dianalisis, penggantian akan dilakukan dalam masa tiga (3) hari bekerja.
PT results submission button will only be available upon verified payment and satisfactory receipt of PT item. Please ensure the payment is clear and participants acknowledge the receipt of PT item. The result form in PTOS will be available for online submission until the closing date.
No. All results submission must be through PTOS.
Yes, the changes are only allowed before the closing date. Please contact MyKIMIA PTP to enable the result form for re-submission.
The performance of the participants will be primarily evaluated by calculation of z-scores.
The assigned value is determined either from the consensus value from the participants’ results or reference value and the Standard Deviation for Proficiency Assessment (SDPA) used is calculated based on Thompson-Horwitz model or fit-for-purpose.
The performance of the participants are evaluated based on the comparison of participants’ results with the expected results or the consensus from participants’ results.
The PT final report will be issued within 30 days after the closing date of the PT scheme and can be downloaded in PTOS. Participants will be notified by email and PTOS news once the report is ready.
Yes. The complaint can be made by a written request to MyKIMIA PTP and will be answered accordingly.
Yes. Appeal can be made for two reasons;
- Extension of closing date
- Re-evaluation of PT performance (no changing of results accepted)
A written request with justification to MyKIMIA PTP regarding an appeal is needed and MyKIMIA PTP will response accordingly.
Yes, the PT final report will be available for download only if the payment is made and verified by MyKIMIA PTP.
MyKIMIA PTP boleh dihubungi di proftest@kimia.gov.my atau + 603-79853167 / 68.