No. It need to be sent through an enforcement agency such as JPJ or PDRM.
No. You will need to contact JPJ for more information.
No. It need to be sent through enforcement agencies such as PDRM.
Yes. However you will need to report the incident to the police in order for the police to do the necessary follow-up action such as sending the samples to Criminalistic Division for laboratory analysis.
Refer to the client’s charter on the KIMIA Malaysia website.
Vehicle identification number inspection analysis i.e. chassis and engine number, accident vehicle inspection, trace evidence analysis such as paint, glass, soil and fiber, fuel analysis, explosives analysis, jewelry analysis, firearms inspection and others. Please contact the Criminalistic Division if there is a request for specific analysis by calling 03-79853851/3852.
Generally the Criminalistic Division can conduct an inspection of identification numbers stamped on metal surfaces. Examples are the identification number on the gas cylinder barrel and the serial number on the firearm.
Refer to the client’s charter on the KIMIA Malaysia website.
Yes. Please make an appointment with the Criminalistic Division by calling 03- 79853851/3852 for vehicle accident cases as well as chassis and engine number inspection cases. For other cases such as fire and explosion cases the Criminalistic Division will assess the need.
No. Please make an appointment with the Criminalistics Division by calling 03-79853851/3852.
The vehicle has been inspected by KIMIA Malaysia previously. The Criminalistic Division will look at the application and will assess the need for a re – inspection of the vehicle.
The Criminalistic Division will not conduct chassis and engine number checks on vehicles that have undergone electrochemical treatment.
A copy of the report related to the inspection of the accident vehicle can be given to you after a letter of permission from the State Law office is submitted. You will also have to pay RM300.00 to get a copy of the report. Please refer to the guide to obtain a copy of the KIMIA Malaysia report.
No. The Criminalistic Division can only determine whether there was a collision between the vehicles and the position of the first collision for the vehicles involved based on vehicle damage and paint comparative analysis.
No. Tire inspection is only carried out to determine the cause of the tire rupture for example due to puncture of a sharp object or impact on a hard object.